Monday, January 23, 2017

Chores at home

We had a wind storm a few weeks ago that blew branches all over the backyard. I've been mentally reminding myself for days to pick them up in some moment of free time... then today I had an epiphany. Sure enough, the girls delighted in putting on their warm clothes and going outside to pick up branches. The babies were furious at me for leaving them inside... so they came out too!

Working together to get a really big branch over there.

Theo: I can't walk in this rough terrain!

Not shown here is the girls unloading the dishwasher again while I played with/distracted babies.

Ellie doing a gypsy impersonation

Yea, he just walks all the time now.

And this. This too. Like he wasn't tall already.

Ellie loves to take care of her younger siblings :)

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