Thursday, January 12, 2017


First activity of the morning: play dough! With pipe cleaners, googley eyes, cookie cutters, tongue depressors, and really anything else I could think of that might make the activity last longer. Avy here is showing off her helicopter.

Second activity of the day - piping water into mini muffin pans. Between the two activities this bought me about an hour to bottle and read to babies.

The babies have recently become intensely interested in reading. They pull all the books out of the book box and off the shelves and sit turning the pages back, and forth, back, and forth. We have a new ritual now too - when I read to the girls Theo sits in my lap and points at the pages while Lily climbs between the coffee table and couch to watch.

I discovered that Theo gets really upset if I omit him from this ritual - I started to read to the big girls and he squawked, speed crawled to me, and craned his neck backwards so he could see under the book. Ok kid, I won't forget you, come up here :)

We're also baby gateless now. This is mostly moderated by how dark it is downstairs: as long as the lights are off they don't really go into the media room. There have been times though where I think to myself it's been too quiet for too long.... and low and behold the babies have an exercise toy or nightlight to show for their adventures.

Yes, that's Lily crawling on the window sill. Yes, she's fallen a few times. No, it doesn't seem to deter her - she just dumps out a toy box, pushes the box over to the table and climbs back up. Repeat.

Discovering colors with the sunlight.

Left the light on in their bedroom while I made dinner, came back to this. I seem to remember the girls moving furniture around too... are we there already?

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