Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Running errands

She's growing up so fast. She asked me to pull her hair up then posed goofily while I snapped a shot.

At the Dr's office. Ellie's had a wart on the bottom of her foot for years but it's recently started hurting her when she runs. She was extremely brave and sat quietly through the full freezing treatment - the doctor was impressed.

Theo taking in all the new sights.

After we went to an Indian restaurant for lunch. The girls are more particular now in their old age but the babies happily snarfed everything we put before them and hummed contentedly the whole time.

Butter chicken. He was a fan :)

Curried rice. Also a fan! Look at that nose though, he definitely chugged a lot of water this meal ;)

This restaurant also has soft serve. Obviously the hit of the meal.

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