Saturday, January 21, 2017

Burning off energy

The kids have been cooped up a lot recently between the rain and the cold, so the last couple days have been all about running the puppies.

First we took a walk in the rain to splash in puddles. The girls were very thorough.

Then we went to the Funtastic Playnasium, a giant indoor gym for all four kids.

Theo loved building with these foam blocks. Lily loved knocking them down ;)

Back at home we did a water play activity. This was surprisingly effective - the girls played with pitchers, bowls, and pipettes for over an hour and when they started getting tired, I added coloring. Renewed interest!

Unloading the dishwasher has become the privilege of the morning. Avy's unloading the dishes here, and Ellie joined her in short order for the tupperware and silverware.

I marched the four down to our local park one day and ran them around for close to 2 hours. The babies did not like these leashes, but they can both climb on the play equipment now.

"It makes noise Mom!"

Warming up and munching bell peppers.

The pretend play is starting to ramp up. Avy's showing off her abandoned fort here, that she's going to fix up for the local giant she was chasing through the woods earlier.

Back at home, some well-earned hot chocolate. Then I bundled them all up again and took them to dance class. All five of us slept really well that night!

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