Sunday, January 15, 2017

Activities parents can enjoy too

I don't know what got into me. I haven't played video games in years. But I got a craving and the babies were napping and the girls were watching TV so... I pulled out Super Mario Galaxy. And when the girls finished watching TV they came down and joined in. So did the babies. And the girls legitimately were playing - SMG has a nifty 2nd player goal of collecting all the crystals on the screen. Breaks nothing and they can see the effect they're having. So! The girls traded off waving the wand and pointing out crystals to each other while the babies watched in awe. I was sad when it was dinner time :)

Dad reading to 3 of the kids (Lily never holds still for long). We're still finessing story time so that it's not constantly interrupted by babies but it's really neat to see how fascinated by books Theo is. He gets genuinely put out if you try to exclude him.

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