Tuesday, January 3, 2017


3 is still a very hands-on age, but more and more we get glimmers of the girls becoming independent. Case in point: I had printed out letter tracing worksheets for the girls, since they've been writing letters in their drawing times. Ellie had pulled one of these out and was muttering to herself as she traced; I was washing dishes at the sink.

I hear, "What letter is this? P? D?" quietly, so I didn't respond. A few minutes later, "Is this a Q? Is this a Q?", again, quietly, so I just let her be. Then she got up, brought a puzzle over to the table, and her genius dawned on me.

This is what she grabbed:

The puzzle says the letter whenever you put the puzzle piece in place. She had figured out a way to answer all her questions on her own, with no help from me! I was so proud.

Her worksheet. "A" is currently the favorite letter :)

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