Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Seattle Children's Museum

It's our last week of Daddy's vacation and he hadn't been to the Children's Museum in Seattle yet, so we took a trip! Babies were old enough to participate now, too, so Daddy took the big girls around while Momma stayed with the babies.

Just settling in.

So much new to see!

Hi there!

The kids loved this stair/slide combo - Lily kept walking up the stairs fully upright. Good practice!

Big girls in a marmot cave

It was in the 20s, but the girls still wanted to stop by the hugenormous (as Avy says) playground outside the Museum.

Even Daddy thought it looked like fun! Momma joined in too, but there's no picture evidence of that ;)

Babies: "Either let us join in, or take us home - it's cold."

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