Monday, September 19, 2016

Day 11: Ship in Ventura

Nana found a great homeschooling event - a 1600s recreated ship that was available for exploration in Ventura. And when I say exploration, I mean it - this was not one of those tours where everything is behind plastic and you're guided and droned at. There were docents to answer questions, but this was a hands-on, costumes-on excursion - great for kids!

The ship:

After first coming on board.

At the bow

The eating and sleeping area. This was laid out with foods the sailors would have actually eaten: lentils and beans, hard cheeses, oranges and apples, and salted fish.

Ellie tried smelling the salted fish. Whew!

In the captain's quarters.

In the bunks! There were lower and upper bunks - the upper bunks were used to display things like armor, writing tools and glasses, and medical tools. The lower bunks were for pretending to sleep. Cos, that's totally what Ellie's doing....

At the head. Avy was a little baffled when I tried to explain this was the olden-days bathroom....

So tall...

Almost done with picture-taking, I swear girls!

Ok, last one!

They've given up on me and are now ignoring me and making food. Ellie is grinding corn meal and Avy is examining the giant coconuts.

In the museum there were tons of miniature ships and the museum had set out a scavenger hunt for all of the kids.

The workstation of the man who build the miniature ships. He had some insanely intricate workings and really small tools to build them with.

Scavenger hunting!

A Playskool ship out for smaller kids - smart!

Meanwhile the babies enjoyed the sun outside :)

Then we all walked to a grassy area next to the docks and ate our lunch while listening to the sea lions. Oreos for everyone!

So good....

Twirling with Uncle Leo.

Lily ate her Oreo, then crawled over to Daddy, climbed up his back then wiped her face all over his shirt. It was like an Oreo explosion had happened.

Great field trip Nana!

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