Friday, September 2, 2016

Maelstrom of packing

We're starting to finalize our packing list and get things together... RV packing is so much different from any other packing. Bring all the clothes! Bring all the bikes! Bring all the kids! ..Books! I mean books! :)

I've been slowly assembling our activities box for this past month and I think I'm ready (I really hope I'm ready!). Behold:

Starting at the top left, clockwise:

  • Binders with coloring pages, alphabet games, mazes, blank faces, and a map so we can track our progress. Teacher's binder is the giant blue one propping them up (I printed out the internet for that thing).
  • Audio books on CD
  • Berenstain bears collection (girls love the series, these they haven't read)
  • Audio books with picture books
  • Kids' kindles with headphones: these have more animated books, a couple seasons of Daniel Tiger downloaded, some of their favorite YouTube series (How It's Made!), and some preschool games
  • Brain Quest cards for Pre-K and K
  • Playdough (tools not shown but definitely included)
  • Ladybug counting game
  • (directly above) Bug catcher + magnifier
  • Capital/lower case alphabet puzzle
  • Mini globe: so we can continue our geography classes
  • Magnetic shapes and puzzle cards
  • CD players for audio books
  • Puzzle sticks. These have pictures of the girls glued onto sticks then cut up for fun matching
  • Rhyme puzzles (shark/park, cat/hat, etc)
  • Geometric puzzle sticks. Velcro dots on the sticks so the kids can put together as many weird shapes as they want.
  • Spelling box
  • MORE BOOKS - these are actually ours
  • MORE BOOKS - on Brazil (our newest country), yoga (they want to join me), sticks (sticks are cool), and a random other assortment based on things they've expressed interest in recently.
  • School books: math, reading, logic, geography and anatomy
Whew! And that doesn't include the stuff we're bringing for when we're not driving: kites, bug/bottles, pump rockets... the girls are going to have a blast.

For the babies we have fewer new things, but we're trying to time our driving to match their naps so that makes sense. Also, anything is a toy to them.

It seems like a lot but I'm planning to split the activities in half so they get new stuff on our way back home too. It's so nice to have goals... ;)

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