Monday, September 26, 2016

Day 18: Orland, CA to Ashland, OR

This was a long driving day, so we drove for a couple hours then took a long lunch at a playground we found online (technology is amazing!). Simple day, but everyone had a blast.

Theo found a ladder! Wrong direction, but eh, he doesn't care!

I kicked the girls out of the RV so I could prep it in peace. This is how the girls past the time (cos they don't spend enough in carseats...)

Last few minutes of freedom!

Ellie rocking some new clothes from Nana!

And Avy wearing hairclips from Nana B :)

At the park! This was near Redding and I definitely was having flashbacks to my own childhood - there were a million oak trees everywhere!

Theo enjoying a little cookie with his dirt.

"Rar! I love dirt and oak leaves!"

Such a nifty park. It had a ton of little wooden warrens built that were just Avy and Ellie's size.

Random wild turkeys!

Shasta lake. Rather low :/

In Oregon!

Dad making it look easy. :)

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