Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Day 19: Ashland, OR to Sutherlin, OR

There's a kids' science museum in Ashland, a tiny little town right on the border of California and Oregon. It had great reviews so we decided to stop but we were definitely wondering "how could a town this small support a decent museum?" 

Well, turns out, it can really support it. I wish this museum was in Bellevue! We were there 3 hours and still hadn't done everything. The town was really appealing too - beautiful, sunny, and bike trails everywhere. Dave and I started chatting about it as a retirement option (many, many years down the line). Who knows?

Avy and Ellie experimenting on whether water or air pressure make a bottle rocket go higher. Turns out, combo of both!

There was a strobe light pointed at two streams of water - you could control the frequency of the strobe to make the water "dance". There's a video on youtube posted showing this too - the girls thought it was neat but I was the one who played with it until babies made me leave!

Experiment in pulleys. There were 3 chairs and each had a different number of pulleys - the goal was the find the one that was easiest to pull yourself up! Hint, girls: more is better ;)

Avy wanted to go as high as she could... Ellie not so much.

Strength of sound waves - knock over the pins!

Momentum machine - stand in the middle and hold onto the pole. Give yourself a push aaaaand... you get going! and going! and going! and going! Avy got so dizzy on this thing.

Random little play place with tennis balls you could shoot out or send down slides then put in buckets to pull back up into your little tree house.

Lily building a carbon nanotube.

There was also a section for 2 and under with mirrors, ramps, toys and puzzles, and these little houses that were just Lily's size.

And under the benches for adults were hidey holes with carpet on top and bottom and mirrors on either side. Genius, whoever put these together - Lily was in heaven.

Theo pretty much found his five favorite toys and banged them on things the whole time.

While Lily explored everywhere.

Avy was showing her how to go off the tall side... Lily decided not to, thankfully!

Ellie on a crane.

The bubblology room! This was the best room, I swear, but it was a good thing we found it towards the end - super duper messy.

You could even put yourself in a bubble!

Dark room with a tesla coil, laser harp, and a machine that "captures" your shadows.

Then off we go to Sutherlin for the night!

Here's Dave taking the kids to the playground while I set up the RV for food/sleep. If you zoom in you'll see him with a baby tucked under each arm ;)

We had so much food this trip! We really only ate out for In-N-Out and that was for pleasure not necessity thankfully. Turns out the half-size fridge/freezer held just the right amount of frozen meats and produce, and the pantry above the sink became our "carb cabinet".

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