Monday, September 19, 2016

It's all about the journey

We've been having a blast on our trip, so much so in fact that we've decided to extend it by a few days. We stayed the weekend with the southern Aldridge clan, and after a few days with the central Aldridge clan we'll take a more leisurely pace up the coast.

RVs allow a lot of flexibility, and since it's September there's lower demand for RV camps. As such we don't really need to make reservations but can play our schedule by ear. That said, here's roughly what we're planning in the following days:

  • Monday, 9/19-9/21: Camp in Fresno, visit with central Aldridges
  • Wednesday 9/21: Camp in Newman, visit with Great-Grandmother Aldridge in Merced
  • Thursday 9/22: Visit the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield, camp in Lakehead, CA
  • Friday 9/23: Visit the Science Works museum, camp in Sunny Valley, OR
  • Saturday 9/24: Visit the Oregon Dunes, camp in Florence, OR
  • Sunday 9/25: Visit Silver Falls State Park, camp in Scotts Mills, OR
  • Monday 9/26: Home!
We have until the 28th to return the RV so if any of the above turn into a full day trip we can easily swing it. We're sorry to be leaving SoCal, but what's coming up definitely is exciting!

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