Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Day 21: Home again home again, jiggity jig

We're home! We had plans to visit Silver Falls on this last day, but after the sand dunes we did some online investigation and discovered they're not really stroller-accessible. We'll visit them in a few years. 

So, that last day was just driving home! Not too bad, just under 4 hours, but everyone was glad to be home. Our wonderful neighbors had mowed our lawn for us and taken great care of our fish (they even named him! He's now Ralph). Thank you Jeanie and Loran!

After unpacking the RV. It looks like the end of a yard sale...

Theo's not sure what to make of all this space, so he's sitting in a basket.

Bedtime at home! Everyone was exhausted; the girls crashed hard and slept 14 hours. The babies were more energetic:


It's nice to be home :)

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