Monday, September 12, 2016

Day 6: Las Vegas, UT to Simi Valley, CA

Last day of the first leg of our trip! It's going to be a long driving day but after we'll be able to relax and stay put with Nana and Grandpa Aldridge for a week!

See that blinding Las Vegas sunlight on Ellie. Bleh! Already in the 80s by 8am.

We walked to the general store to buy a comb, but it wasn't due to open for a few minutes. We sat and played in the little desert park they'd set up right outside.

There was a statue of a duck and a statue of a turtle that the girls quickly adopted. When asked the names of their pets, Ellie: "Dicky the ducky!" Avy: "Octopull the turtle!" .... well ok then!

As Momma and Daddy planned and packed for the day, Ellie decided she needed some quiet time. I found her in the front seat, behind the barrier just having a peaceful moment :)

After breakfast we drove down to Hoover Dam! Here's Hoover Lake with a rare shot of a wild Dave ;)

The bridge over Hoover Dam. In retrospect we should have driven over it as well - the view would have been amazing!

We had limited options for parking sadly, due to the RV. We found a spot way on the opposite hill and looked around, but there weren't really walking options to get down to the dam.

Still we had a few photo ops! Momma: "Ok girls, smile for me!" Ellie: "But Momma, it's too bwight." Avy: "I can smile!"

Driving back across the dam.

After Hoover Dam we stopped at a park in Las Vegas for some lunch and play. Ellie kept complaining that her hair was in her face, so Avy kept tucking it behind her ear :)

PBJ and green beans. Delicious!

Theo concurs.

I can't get over how old they look in this shot. (sigh)

Aunt Maureen and Uncle Ben came to play! They met us at the park, had a snack and chased the girls around for a bit.

The girls are definitely fans :) No pictures of Theo since I was bottle feeding him for most of this, sadly.

And then we were off again! We had a 6-7 hour drive ahead of us, so I pulled out the big guns. Playdough! Not the disaster I thought it would be in the car!

Mohave desert. Because Vegas just wasn't hot enough.

Random wind turbines. The girls have been learning about energy sources so this was fascinating to them.

And we're in CA! The 15 had a nasty accident so we drove north of the Angeles National Forest via a bunch of surface streets to the 14.

We made it! The Aldridge family was happy to see us, and the kids were thrilled to be out of their car seats. We ate and played for a couple hours then everyone crashed hard.

The kids ran circles around the house and played chase with Grandpa and Philip.

No good pictures of Ellie, she didn't hold still long enough!

Whew! Now to have a couple of stationary days :)

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