Thursday, September 15, 2016

Day 9: Bowling and ducks

What a day for the girls. Momma was up a lot with Theo that night so everyone cleared out of the house during the babies' nap - lovely people, the PnQ was much appreciated. 

Silly Lily:

Lily has adopted our southern clan :)


Yep. Adopted.

Grandpa and Daddy took the girls and Philip to bowling first. I swear it looks like she was hugging a watermelon.

The balls are as big as they are!

After bowling they went to Carl's Jr. (a novelty!) then played in its three-story internal playground.

And took a break for milkshakes. I should have gone on this outing....

Avy approves!

Last they stopped by a park near us called Duck Pond after buying some day old bread from a nearby store. The ducks mobbed them as soon as they saw the bag.

At the park. I need one of those swings, a book and a free hour...

Back at home, Philip is making pillow floor again!

The neighbors brought over their trampoline for us to borrow during our visit. Avy loves it! Ellie could take or leave it.

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