Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Day 20: Sutherlin, OR to Jefferson, OR

We're on our way to the Oregon sand dunes! The girls loved the beach in California so much that we left the I-5 and drove to the coast. It was a little hairy, driving without cell reception (Google Maps doesn't save offline, we discovered), but the view was gorgeous. We drove alongside the Umpqua river which had an appealing flat-rock riverbed; we were very tempted to just pull over and explore! The beaches called us though.

Pulling into the dunes!

The entrance to the beach was a dune, straight up. Dave was a good sport and played mule - look at that front wheel clear air!

At the top. Dave: "I think there must be some erosion here." Me: "Why do you say that?" Dave: "Well, otherwise they made this sign only readable for people my height...."

At the top of the dune. It was gorgeous.

Beautiful waves, but also really cold. We stuck to the dry part of the beach.

The kids love building sand castles anyway.

Lily had learned back in California that sand is not delicious, and she remembered this time too. She still had a blast playing with it though. Gave her a makeshift bucket (shoe) since she kept wanting her sisters'.

Lily exploring. Dad's trying to call her back in...

Lovely beach. It was windy but not too cold.

Dave took Theo out to the water's edge.

Back we go to the car!

Here's where you really understand the steepness of that dune.

...and appreciate Dave (I tried to help; I went backwards).

On the other side of the dune was woody shrubbery, then forest. As we drove away we were driving through forest but there would be random spots where the forest would break and a sand dune would pour through. Very surreal.

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