Thursday, September 22, 2016

Day 17: Newman, CA to Orland, CA

We arrived too late at our campground last night to take pictures, but here's a quick shot of the lake we slept next to. Note to self - avoid small man-made lakes: this one was a paradise for mosquitoes! The managers were friendly tho and gave us a discounted price - very nice of them considering we showed up about 5 minutes before closing!

Our event today was stopping at the Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield! The kids have been looking forward to this for weeks, so there was a lot of "are we there yet!!?" on our drive up.

I'm mad at myself, didn't get the full sign here! Lots of happy smiles though :)

Everyone had to wear these hats to get to take the tour. Dave was a good sport. Babies just ate theirs.

There were remakes of famous artwork using jelly beans - the girls kept asking "why?" would someone do that with food? Good question kids, good question.

Pallets and pallets of jelly beans. Each one is 25 lbs.

These were snifter games - you tried to guess which smell came out when you pushed the button. The girls loved these.

Those giant bags next to the forklift? Sugar.

Those trash cans? Powdered sugar. And cornstarch. And cocoa powder. What a kitchen!

These were the drums where the gummy centers are tossed around and around for hours while adding flavors and coating.

Ellie: "Can we eat those?" Mom: "I'm sure you'd like to try..."

Plushy jelly bean riding a robot - the robot would pick up boxes and place them in a pallet, all automatically. I love technology.

So many jelly beans. The girls are telling me their favorites ("Pink!" "Purple!").

A mixer - workers would dump the boxes on the conveyor belt and it would get funneled through a mixing drum. Then the jelly beans would come through here to be weighed and distributed.

Robot dumping pallets for mixing. All hail the robot overlord!

At the end we got free sample bags and wandered around their store for a while, nibbling. The girls loved it.

Theo figured out finally how to get down the stairs of our RV. He's very proud ;)

At our campground! Daddy ran the kids around while Momma made dinner and set up beds.

Tomorrow will probably be a light day - we have several hours to drive before our next big event (a science museum in Oregon) so we drove a couple hours tonight and more tomorrow with the goal to break camp and spend most of the day in the museum on Saturday. We'll probably stop by a park tomorrow though and of course if anything interesting catches our eye we'll be sure to stop!

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