Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Day 15: Fresno Zoo

At the recommendation of Aunt Melanie we spent our day in Fresno at their zoo. Last time we went to the zoo the animals were perpetually hiding - we rarely got a peep of them. This time all animals were either out sunning themselves or wandering around so we got to see a lot of animals we hadn't actually viewed before. Great recommendation Melanie!

Our first stop was the reptile house, and a ranger was waiting for us outside with a display snake. Normally we would have been allowed to pet but she had forgotten her hand sanitizer :(

Outside the reptile house was a fenced off enclosure; Avy pointed and asked "Momma, why is that rock moving?"  Biggest tortoise I'd ever seen was plodding around.

Yeup. That's a moving rock.

Babies were mostly interested in the food.

Of course we had to hitch a ride on a passing komodo dragon.

This rhea really wanted to say hi - kept following us along the fence.

Lots of cool reptiles here.

This lizard kept trying to climb the glass in front of Ellie.

And a turtle swimming with rainbow fishes. Avy also enjoyed the reptile house, she just kept running way ahead so I have fewer pictures.

These snakes were my favorite. They hide in grasses and they look like sticks, but the tentacles on their faces are feeling for fish - if one brushes past, snap!

A live komodo dragon!

More turtles, the girls' favorite.

Dave: "What does the P stand for?"

Elephants! They turned around later so we got a better view, but I didn't get the girls in the shot that time.

Farm animals. Strollers not allowed so I stayed with the babies while the girls pet goats and sheep.

Peccaries with two babies!


We were at the zoo for almost 4 hours and everyone did great - babies napped off and on and were super happy in between.

We stumbled on one of the peacocks that roamed around the zoo and the girls were ready to pick it up and take it home. That would have ended .. well, interestingly. Sadly Daddy interceded.

There were aviaries you could walk through with free-flying birds; this one landed on a fence right by us and just waited. "Hello!"

Great zoo - everything was close to each other so we didn't have to walk very far, the animals were all out and about and there were plenty of variety in species. The girls had a blast then crashed hard that night :)

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