Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Time for reflection: The things I have learned

Now that everything is unpacked and kids are rediscovering new/old toys, I took a moment to reflect back on our trip. Some of my takeaways:

  • Bags are your friends! Take so many bags, you'll use them to sort laundry, separate socks/underwear, toys per kid while driving, snacks per kid while driving... so very many bags.
  • Shoes come off at the door, just like at home. If not, you end up with babies with perpetually black stomachs/knees and shoe prints on your sheets (yep, we found those).
  • Check diapers every hour, change them every two. This took us a couple days to find a rhythm, and in that time we ended up doing laundry in the morning and the evening for extra fun. By the end though we hadn't had an accident in a week.
  • Don't check out too early, most RV camps have great playgrounds. Kids burn off steam beforehand and after and the drive is much calmer.
  • Drive less! 3-4 hours seemed to be our longest successful days (we did one 7 hour day and that was rough). Also I now wish I'd planned for us to stay in some places for multiple nights - we would spend a decent chunk of our time putting up and taking down the beds when in Simi we just left them up and ate elsewhere. There were so many places we barely explored but deserved more.
My biggest takeaway though, now that we're home: My goodness we have a lot of stuff. After spending 3 weeks with 1 butchers knife and 1 paring knife, a dish/bowl/fork/spoon for everyone, 1 pot and 1 frying pan, and 1 cutting board, I look around the house and think "this is way too much". We got in the habit before leaving of using 1 knife for fruit, 1 knife for veggies, 1 knife for meat, etc. In the RV you just chopped everything up and wiped it down if necessary. 

We'll see how it goes, people have a habit of falling back into patterns, but I wouldn't be surprised if we did another minimizing pass here soon!

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