Thursday, September 15, 2016

Day 8: More lazing about

We continue to outsource the childcare to Nana, Uncle Leo and Uncle Philip! We took a longer bike ride this day, 13.5 miles, and dragged the babies along with us. They considered it good napping time:

13.5 miles sounds like a lot but this is not hilly like in Washington - very flat and very smooth. Here we stopped by the Simi Valley wash to admire the herons and egrets.

Happy babies!

At one point I looked down at the babies and after a beat, "Dave, where did Lily get snacks?" Not only had she found a leftover bag of crackers....somewhere... she'd figured out how to open it and was happily munching away. Theo was watching, wistfully.

So we stopped by a 99 cents store and bought stuff. So much stuff. Including cookies. We need a 99 cents store near home!

Ladybug wings for the girls! 99 cents stores are eeeeeeevil....

But the girls love it :)

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