Thursday, September 8, 2016

Day 2: Pasco, WA to Meridian, ID

Wednesday was a long day of driving for the kids: 5 hours with a Popsicle stop in the middle. All our stops in Oregon are on our way back so it was straight shooting that day. So far our impressions of eastern Oregon: looks like Simi Valley!

We've been having some technical difficulties, folks: the last two campgrounds' wifi has been down (Luddites!). We'll see what my trusty little phone can pull off!

(Start from bottom for the start of day)

Getting ready for bed. The sisters are starting to really like each other - the girls fight over who gets to hold "We-yee" and Lily will call to them to get their attention. Plus stalking them. She stalks them like crazy.

He's a big fan of independence now.

Lily really likes to roll around and plop onto bed covers. It causes the most amazing static cling...

Dinner! I swear I can never get all four to look at the same time.

Not the best place for a picnic but it was nearly dinner time. Babies had rocks. Mmm rocks.

Cement factory

Feels like some kind of weird posed modern art.

This was a long driving day, so when we hit a rest stop about half way we decided to pull out the popsicles. Definitely worth a treat!

Lily after happily eating her PBJ. Holy moly.

Lily eating a PBJ

Happy Theo bug :)

To quote Dave, "Man it's gorgeous here."

On the road again!

This way there's plenty of floor food for later!

How the babies eat breakfast

Daddy giving them the walkthrough of the day

Still peacefully sleeping....

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