Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Taking it easy

After our long trip we decided to kick back, sleep in, take it easy...heh. hehhehheh. hahahahaha!

-sigh- I crack myself up. Nope, babies woke up before dawn and Dave decided he wanted to try attachment parenting so he brought them into bed to snuggle. Hah snuggle - those were the squirmiest, happiest, most awake babies I've wrestled in a while. We gave up on sleep ;)

After girls got up we returned the RV then piled the kids into the bike trailers and went to a new grocery store for some produce.

Avy's nifty new socks (thanks Nana!)

Ellie feeding Lily after our grocery run (Avy's doing the same for Theo in the other trailer).

After dropping off the food at home we reloaded the kids and biked over to our local park for a couple of hours. Daddy pushed the girls on the swings for a long time while I fed and tickled and photoed cute babies.

Then home again for dinner, book reading and bedtime! Weather's supposed to be lovely this week so we'll probably do it again a few times :)

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