Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Day 1: We're on our way!

After much packing (so much packing!) we have finally left the house! The girls are excited; the babies less so. To be fair we left right at bedtime - 10 minutes in they were already asleep.

Dave testing out Theo's aerodynamics:

"Mom! It's so big!...where will I sleep?"

Lily is more interested in the foliage than packing.

And we're off! Avy, looking worriedly at the darkening sky: "Mom, it's getting dark so it's almost bedtime, you need to tuck me in." Oh my dear, we are so many miles from tucking-in.

Our fearless leader!

Even at night it's pretty.

Random lake.

This is 9+pm at this point. Ellie is thrilled to still be up.. Avy less so.

More random lake.

We made it! Only a little adventure - poor Avy got car sick. She was very chipper about it though and we got everything all cleaned up. Here we are making up the beds and getting everyone ready for them!

A bit like a sleep over ;)

So we made it! Tomorrow we'll head out to Boise. No planned stops on the way and given the late (way late) bedtimes for everyone we'll probably take the morning slow. Who knows? There's a pool....


  1. I'm thrilled to see how well you guys did. What fun! Thanks for posting! It's fun to follow along!

  2. Day 1 down! Can't wait to hear the adventures from brave parents!

  3. Day 1 down! Can't wait to hear the adventures from brave parents!
