Friday, September 9, 2016

Day 4: Salt Lake City, UT to Beaver, UT

Utah is lovely! Besides being balmy and sunny during the day and cool at night (perfect for everyone), the people here have been very kind. We broke camp in Salt Lake City in a leisurely fashion since we were only driving 3 hours today - Dave took the girls to the camp's playground while I cleaned and got the RV ready to go.

Lily being my little helper:

She figured out how to get down one of the steps (with great trepidation!) but upon hitting the screen door decided she was no longer interested and left the stairs alone.

She's a happy bug. Come 10am Theo started demanding his nap (calming down and singing to himself as soon as I put him in his carseat) but Lily stayed up and followed me around as a prepped for almost an hour. She's about ready to lose her morning nap, that one...

Happy sleepy Theo-bug

There was a chocolate factory near the campground, so after checking out we went to take a tour!

They had a viewing area above the factory grounds for the kids to peer down.

They also handed out samples! Best tour ever!

Theo was passing out in Daddy's arms, but Lily was happily crawling around following the tour and playing with an 18 month old who was also on the tour.

The factory also made ice cream, and handed out coupons for such after the tour. How could we say no? The girls had strawberry, and Momma and Daddy and Lily and Theo shared a key lime. Delicious!

While we waited for the girls to finish Lily crawled all around the store floor, making friends with customers and employees alike.

Not shown here was our eagerly-anticipated trip to In-and-Out! Momma forgot to take a picture, but the burgers were as delicious as we remembered. 

More smiley happy Theo-bug

Put some velcro dots on popsicle sticks and you have a shape-and-letter medium the kids can play with for almost an hour.

This really needed a video instead of a picture. The babies were alternating batting the water bottle around and babbling to each other.

Dinner time! Somebody has too much energy... ;)

1 comment:

  1. Such a fun trip. I look forward to these everyday. It makes my day, as well as my co-workers! Love ya!
