Thursday, September 8, 2016

Day 3: Meridian, ID to Salt Lake City, UT

We're getting better at this RVing thing! Got out of the park a half an hour before checkout today (vs right on time yesterday). Daddy's giving the babies one last squeeze before locking them in.

No girls, don't get into the toys yet! Play outside while you can!

Random mesa

Snake river

We're heading out to Idaho's Mammoth Cave. Google maps doesn't know about it but it's apparently a thing....?

"Called by some the Smithsonian of the West"

Yup, this is a great road for our RV.

Dave is bemused by my activities planning.

We made it though! Quick break for lunch.

In front of the museum. It's hard to tell but there's an ostrich next to the giant rock head.

Ellie imitating a crocodile.

Sturgeon. Definitely could see the dinosaur descendence...

At the mouth of the cave

There was no lighting, just a rough path. Each adult got a kerosene lamp to carry (plus a very heavy baby!).

The literal light at the end of the tunnel.

3 of 4 smiling!

The babies may have eaten some cave dust.

And rolled around in the cave dust, too.

Back in the museum... This place was awesomely eccentric. Three generations within the family had been collecting oddities and built the museum next to the cave.

Volcano wisps

Giant spider crabs.

Huge shells.

Gar? Had never seen them before. From Texas apparently, not swimming there!

The family had an obsession with abnormal animals.


Actual giraffe. Dave for scale.

Back on the road!


In camp. It was a long driving day: 6 hours! The kids are burning off steam.

Pre-bedtime, before the kidstorm strikes. Ellie's bed.

Avy's bed.

And we discovered Lily likes ice cream. Shock ;)

Long day! Tomorrow will be much less driving thankfully - we're only going to Beaver, UT.

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